lines of code written
meters tall
burgers trained
Efficiency freak, nerd, Burger King, problem solver
years in ATCOM
favourite projects
years family
big loves
I love organisation in all fields, I like collaboration and teamwork. Calm and vigilant, even in the most difficult situations :-)
You get what you deserve...
years in ATCOM
projects launched
reminders to complete these numbers
“instantaneous errors” (than I cannot live without)
Proud dad, coffee-addicted, Data driven, formerly programming junkie
Life has no ctrl-z. Live wisely
years managing numbers
years being CFO at ATCOM
years in love
Car lover, book lover, addicted to coffee and my kids
I am not a data lover, but I can always find my way through them
"oh my favorite song" moments
meetings attended that could be an email
summers spent in Skyros island
workshops facilitated last year
Human jukebox, (s)watch collector, happy during summer gigs, love my car, night owl, Prince of Persia fan, love basketball. Oh, and a major troll!
Glyfada, Athens
We can be heroes, just for one day!
km cycling
years command line used
hacked universities
burgers consumed
High technology, gadgets, car lover, traveller
Piraeus, Greece
Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it
years without riding a bike
wireframes created
times falling asleep during movies
years doing gymnastics
Outdoor activities enthusiast, book lover, “To Do” lists addict, sensitive OCD radar
Nea Erithraia, Athens
Dream big, be patient, laugh a lot
coffees consumed while coding
total tv episodes watched
keypresses per minute
trolls per day
Series junkie, passionate about food, genuinely curious
Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground
server installations completed
countries visited
of whisky bottles consumed
summers spent fishing
Gets things done every single time, social media sceptical, alpine ski master, proud dad of 2
Athens, Greece
Alert! Server Down
of coffees on the ground (or on others)
weather forecasts observed
countries visited
Always on the move, optimistic by design, passionate about dancing, on the quest for achieving harmony
You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
snow storms experienced
selfie taken (for this box)
of Terrabytes moved on the cloud
of hours spent in exercising (if forking is an exercise)
Streetfood grand addict, fitness agnostic, sleep deprived, snowboard legend
km traveled daily to reach my office
motorcycles destroyed while on client appointments
kgs gained since joining ATCOM
client offers created
Proud dad of 2 beautiful girls, ex –playmaker for the Greek National U-16 basketball team, vinyl records fan.
Minerva, Dea Sapienza
islands visited
hours/year of online shopping
years of eating cereal for breakfast
chocolates consumed
A real life Rachel Green. Shopping, fashion, travel and chocolate addict.
Desfina Fokidas
You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do
vegetables consumed per year
mountains climbed
countries visited & counting
voluntary participations
Culture and art enthusiast, adventure seeker, part-time novelist and poet
You can only become truly accomplished at something you love
industries/ verticals have worked on
my favourite principle
months time spent watching TV series, so far
words, my longest “state of the art” product analysis
MarTech Enthusiast, MS Excel addict, E-Commerce & CRM background,Wine & photography lover. Honest, fair but firm when needed.
Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.
Google searches
mi. traveled in 5 years
countries visited
place I am in love with
Looks tough & determined but really is a softie, passionate, not about technology, but the way it affects lives, always curious, sales-oriented but, deep down, a good person.
If it feels right, it is right. Well, most of the time.
years weigh 47kgs
years being nervous
times visited London
my lucky number
TV series fanatic, traveler, freediver & ski addict
Independence is the key to happiness
years lived abroad
musical instruments mastered
rescued dogs
continents visited
Adrenaline lover, history enthusiast and big time road tripper
Athens, Greece
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
brunches consumed
hours spent underwater
summers swam at least once somewhere in Halkidiki
apple a day keeps the doctor away
Nature & Sea lover, Dessert addict, Fruit and vegetable enthousiast, TV Series fanatic, Strong-minded & stubborn
Be the reason someone smiles today!
Celsius: my preferred environment temperature
secs breathing & will hopefully double them
lucky number - but never won anything on it
lt Babatzim tsipouro consumed so far
Amateur bee keeper, licensed sailing skipper, prefer dogs over cats and bikes over cars
Peristeri, Athens
It ain't over till the fat lady sings…
Greek islands visited
Favorite places on earth
coffee cups per day consumed
Learning and googling enthusiast. Adore traveling, music and movies. Could win gold in the Olympic Napping Championship.
Athens, Greece
Your journey is a symphony of experiences, you just have to listen to it
Google Maps-free travels
lyrics in my mind
hours playing with my son
Remos albums loved
Peaky Blinders Addict, Social Media Lover, Proud Mom, Tech Admirer
The only thing you own is your story, so make it a good one.
gr Merenda consumed
medals in MTB Races
watches on my "to have" bucket list
beloved Erasmus friends
Scandinavian addict, penguins warmest fun, Moby lover, color match maniac, passionate with family & friends
Don’t forget to smile, it helps You and definitely... All the others around you!
frames/sec anim
children’s books illustrated
years of restless day/nightlife downtown
support tickets in 5 years
Music junky, unwearied driver, art enthusiast, aqua aerobic fan
Athens, Greece
Rhythm is gonna get you, eventually
lt of coca-cola consumed
times watched '06 GR-USA Game
keyboards smashed
stupid jokes in mind
A developer with good communication skills who is always looking for new challenges. I know it sounds weird.
If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough
wrongs don’t make a right
months holiday is what I need
strikes and you are out
big loves
Walking and opinionated since 1. Doing what makes me happy, is what makes me strong. Words cannot express my love & passion for Fashion, Online Shopping and Fridays!
Ι can and I will
hours shopping
years with a smile
% overthinking
tasks written
Love cinema, addicted to the sea,multi culti kitchen, instagram addict
Chios, Greece
We are who we choose to be
dream trip
dreams and wishes
hours making puzzles
hours playing board games
Book reader, hiking enthusiast, chocolate addicted.
A negative mind never give you a positive life
years dancing
cooking videos watched
countries visited
superpower. Sleeping for hours
Addicted to setting reminders, nervous when hungry, middle name: "Troll", jokes about my surname are more than welcome
To every door that closed on me, I am coming back to buy the building
plane travels
years playing trumpet
km annual work travel distance
years away from hometown
Love junk food, zombie cocktail and Drunk Sinatra bar.
Hakuna Matata
Photography clicks
Sailing tournament wins
Plants killed
Hours spent videogaming
A foodie, photography & sailing enthusiast, fitness freak, constantly seeking new adventures to capture them through his lens
Athens, Greece
A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor
big loves
countries visited
books read
cakes baked
New experience seeker, Shopping addict, Baking fanatic, Netflix enthusiast, Tech savvy, Crosstraining lover
Athens, Greece
Think out of the box and dive into your soul, there is your answer!
cities lived in
cities visited
tv shows watched
things want to do
Love movies and chocolate, hate gyms.
Heraklion, Crete
Chocolate is always the answer
kilometers swum
coffees consumed
hours spent watching sports
countries visited
Proud uncle of 2 kids, sports addict, wannabe pro swimmer, Fifa soccer master
To dare is to do
countries visited
feet club of skydivers
hours in watersports
burgers consumed
Passionate traveler, sea lover, watersports addict, street food enthusiast.
Athens, Greece
Live your life as a collection of unforgettable moments.
beautiful kids
years playing basketball
km running every year
movies watched
Optimistic by design, seeking work life balance, creating free time for training, serious eater
Nea Iwnia, Athens
If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything
kg yoghurt & tahini consumed weekly
trance-techno european festivals attended
years classical ballet practiced
cat adopted, named Jealo
Cat cuddler, dancer, music lover. Slightly paranoid & potentially dangerous when not fed.
Petroupoli, Athens
Peace, love, empathy
countries visited & counting
years lived abroad
kilometers travelled by bicycle
times cooked a meal
Chef Enthusiast, Music Lover, Traveler, TV Shows addict
Chalkida, Evia
The key to success is to focus on goals, not obstacles
hairs left
Achilles Islandborn of the House Bochoris, Second of His Name, King of Nothing, Debugger of Code and Father of Cats
Rhodes, Thessaloniki
All your base are belong to us
countries visited
travels to NY
rollercosters ridden
alarm snooze buttons pressed daily
Coffee addict, travel enthusiast, wine lover, clubbing fan, fed up of being on a diet, always "trying" to start gym
Tragano, Ileia
Dreams do not work, unless you do
meals per day
hours in front of monitor daily
liters of espresso annually
tech gadget tried useless
Gym lover, playing games and watch series to relax, like to cook healthy meals for my diet.
Chrysoupoli, Kavala
Dream big, dreams are the blueprints for the goal
times a day losing my phone
years wiping on wow bosses
Kilometers of jogging with music
Niche app ideas per day
Human soundboard, space lover, tech tinkerer, science enthusiast, trivia knowledge fanatic.
Thessaloniki, Greece
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.
problems fixed
times bought ELEX
screens aren’t enough
imaginary cities built
Problem-solving computerphile, INT-J, always learning something new, Storywriter/Worldbuilder
It's imperative that we change our mindset, lest we destroy not only ourselves but our children as well
kms on mountain hiking
villages visited in Greece
mathematics problems solved
lines of nailed code
Travel lover, chocolate addict, team spirit "None of us is as smart as all of us"
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
coffees per day
watches owned
horror movies watched
hours of Dota
Muscle car lover, basketball lover and road trip all the time
Talk is cheap, Show me the code.
countries visited
cups of coffee and tea per year
years windsurfing
km of bicycle in 1 year
Tech enthusiast, avid traveler, foodie, fitness lover, and always curious about new cultures.
Thessaloniki, Greece
In a world full of noise, be the melody that people remember.
indoor cycling lessons & counting
countries visited & counting
years Ferrari F1 team fan
escape rooms visited (and escaped)
Technology enthusiast, traveller, adventure seeker, all or nothing personality, always looking for new challenges, love junk food, gym rat, night photography lover, wannabe influencer.
Komotini, Greece
The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking
different dance moves accomplished
books read
years spent listening to Beethoven
hours playing Crash Bandicoot
Co Owner of 2 happy dogs, addicted to every form of Art, travel enthusiast, food lover.
Athens, Greece
Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.
games owned on steam
hours of singing out of tune
sessions of weight lifting
chicken filets consumed every year
Always up for a good road trip, Gym rat, technology enthousiast, car lover, guitar player
Larisa, Greece
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today
years of skiing
years playing basketball
countries visited
cities visited
MCU fan, Ski enthusiast, hate hot weather
Thessaloniki, Greece
I am not a morning person but if we plan go skiing I wake up at 4 A.M without an alarm!
years of experience
tons of iced coffee consumed
of projects
Father of 2, techie, book and music lover
404 quote not found
Greek islands visited
mojitos consumed
painting awards received
cookies baked in a single afternoon
Proud mum of Konstantinos, spring & flowers lover, avid book reader, program addict, Rocky Balboa fan
Larissa, Greece
If you’re sad, add more lipstick and attack
near death experiences
hours of daily sleep
air tickets booked
hidden talent
Guitar player, anime lover and foodporn enthusiast
Never quit. Winners never quit.
core principles
DnD campaigns currently running
triads published in my cube (or not?)
When travelling, I love adventure. I like board games, card games (especially Yu-Gi-Oh!) and videogames (especially indie). I like discussing TV series and films of all genres. I dislike sweet and spicy food.
Thessaloniki, Greece
Life is a candle.
albums recorded
mangos consumed
successes rate in monopoly
countries visited in less than a year
SpongeBob squarepants enthusiast and punch line virtuoso. Would love to play the guitar but the guitar has a different opinion.
Kallithea, Athens
Where wisdom is not sought, folly must needs prevail.
times watched LOTR
hours played video games
souvlaki eaten
Greek islands visited
Strategy and RPG video games lover, basketball enthusiast
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change
lines of code deleted
is my favorite number
troublemakers in my life (sisters)
of weight lifting per day
Composer, multi-instrumentalist, fitness enthusiast
Evia, Greece
I didn't choose software engineering; software engineering chose me
strings to make me dream
love to make me a whole
life to make it worth
secs of never giving up
Living life, not spending it
Nikaia, Attiki, Greece, Planet Earth
I’m just bending spacetime, and some strings.
lines of code written
projects completed
burgers consumed
football trophies won
Technology & travel enthusiast, German Shepherd owner, foodie
New York, USA
Be yourself, make a difference
klm continuously walking with flip flops
tequila types tasted
consecutive days eating spaghetti
chess games played
Gamer, summer camping fanatic, sharks enthusiast
Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand.
escape rooms visited (and escaped)
lt of beer consumed annually
times watched Sons of Anarchy
years of music studies
Music enthusiast, TV Series addict, book lover, lemon hater
If you're going to do something, do it right
years vegan
amazing children
pets living with me
my lucky number
Dog and cat owner, technology lover, fitness enthusiast, coffee addicted
Dione, Pikermi
It's better to regret something you have done than something you haven't done
broken rib
years lived in the States
kick-flips landed
BBQ attended
Positive team spirit pushing the limits, always finding a way to have fun, enjoy rolling on my board listening to my favorite music, minimal art designs lover
Chalkida, Evia
Feed your brain, break your boundaries, chase the dream
step at time
cups of coffee daily
Love to travel, I'm practically addicted to coffee , passionate with family and friends, music lover
Athens, Greece
Always believe in yourself
hours of being late
satellite dishes installed
punches delivered (Kick Boxing)
bugs so far
Always seeking time for writing code, drinking beer and having good company
Opportunities to find the deeper powers in ourselves, come when life seems more than what it is
pairs of eccentric socks owned
years cosplaying
DnD characters created
hours micromanaging in sim video games
Photography enthusiast, handcrafted cosplayer, party games collector, and sketching enjoyer.
Thessaloniki, Greece
"Just one more quick fix," a 4-hour mixtape.
years playing Padel Tennis
km cycled last month
kilometers driven
delivery takeaways
Photo/Video lover, animals lover, amateur bike cyclist, travel junkie
Markopoulo Attikis
Believing in ourselves and goals we can achieve everything
movies seen
avocados consumed
wish list destinations
new favourite song every week
Cat and dog mother, cinephile, music enthusiast, fashion lover and a great cook.
In the words of world wide icon Dory the fish: Just keep swimming kids!
books read
weddings attended
hours swimming
years cross training
Food explorer, night owl, tech enthusiast and travel junkie
The top of one mountain is the bottom of the next, so keep climbing
hard rock albums bought
years piano player
years married to a Jack Russell
horror movie marathons attended
Singer, whiskey & headbanging lover, Mordor traveller (on weekends)
Acharnes, Athens
If at first you dont succeed, call it version 1.0
hours of music listening per day
triple steps danced
cooking videos watched
times caused Crash Bandicoot’s death
Technology enthusiast, swing dance passionate, traveling, and photography lover
Athens, Greece
In a gentle way, we can shake the world
stray dogs adopted
years been a Geordie
years without a driving license
vinyls owned
Dog lover, interior design enthusiast, traveller, vinyl collector, Instagram addict
Complaining is truly my strongest weakness
hours driving
gums chewed
level in candycrush
salad recipes made
Shopping lover, game addict, Pinterest guru, dog person
I am not lazy. I am on energy saving mode!
Greek islands visited
years of swimming
nail polish bottles owner
of the Earth's circumference traveled
Calligrapher by night, traveler, perfect pancake recipe researcher
Athens, Greece
Good things take time
years watching friends on repeat
stray dog adopted
hours spent learning about productivity
different To-Do lists per day
Productivity enthusiast, book Lover, dog person, traveler and a “less is more” enthusiast.
Be life rich, not material rich.
TVs at home
espresso per day
punk records in my collection
beaches visited in Crete
Modern architecture enthusiast, mother, cinephile, sugar addict and wine lover
Athens, Greece
May I draw this instead?
kilometers run since 2014
shutter clicks on my Nikon camera since 2012
Loves neon signs, typography, and sunsets. Amateur photographer, drone pilot, and canoe sailor.
Athens, Greece
Birds of a feather, flock together
tv series episodes watched
months per year on diet
ice cream - cholocate pies consumed
visits to Chios
Control freak, Drama Queen, All or nothing personality, Junk food enthusiast
I’m not special. I’m just a limited edition
needed to identify a song
times of watching “Friends” & still going
meals consumed daily
last meal of the day (not recommended)
Left-Handed + Messy = Clever. Worldwide people lover, but I still prefer Greeks. Ugly but contagious laughter.
Quotes sound like conspiracy theories to me
years an Olympiakos fan
skydiving jumps
pro evolution games played
is my lucky number
Proud father of 2 wonderful kids, fan of martial arts and motocross driving
Ekali, Greece
Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.
beaches visited in one day
pets owned
times watched Harry Potter movies
sushi consumed annually
Cold humor 23/7, dog addict, loves to cook but mostly to eat
Athens, Greece
Improvise, adapt, overcome
years an ATCOMista
reminders to myself
cakes and biscuits baked
crazy kids
Program addict, movies enthusiast, traveller, spaghetti lover
Athens, Greece
Whatever you are, be a good one.
my lucky number
vacations in Lefkada
years playing football
mountain climbs
Love watching sports activities (football or basketball)
Don't promise something you can't do
kms walked
CDs bought
years as a barista
years in acting career
Passion for learning, Laughter adorer, Dreamer, In love with art
Live, laugh, and love
years skateboarding
hours of gaming
beaches visited
chocolates consumed
Food lover, chocolate addict, football fanatic and gaming nerd
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough
years snowboarding
mountains visited
computer rooms created
fishes consumed
Car lover, speed enthusiast, Fisherman, ski and snowboard fanatic
Gerakas Attikis
I'm not saying you're wrong, but..