ATCOM’s Experience Lab transformed the New Year’s lottery for ATCOMistas, from a traditionally physical activity, to an enhanced digital experience through the power of Augmented Reality. See how we did it!
The year 2021 found ATCOMistas working from home, due to the COVID-19 situation. The day of our annual Kick-Off Meeting was approaching and, this time, everything was meant to be digital. Including our New Year’s lottery, a procedure through which a number of lucky members of the ATCOM family have the opportunity to win exclusive gifts.
So how could we tackle this challenge and bring the New Year lottery experience at people’s homes?
Experience Lab provided the answer, by creating an immersive Augmented Reality experience for everyone, to enjoy through their mobile devices.
A celebratory basket was sent out to all ATCOMistas, containing, among other delicious goods, a cupcake and a greeting card, which included a QR Code and instructed the receivers not to eat the cupcake.
Once the meeting had started and everyone was online, the ATCOMistas were called upon to scan the card’s QR Code with their mobile devices and proceed to their browser. Immediately after, they were prompted to aim their devices at the cupcake. Why? Because the cupcake topping acted as the marker to trigger the AR experience!
Upon successfully aiming at the marker, the ATCOMistas were transferred into a spectacular Augmented Reality environment, specifically designed and implemented by Experience Lab. What’s more, they were able to record their screens while navigating the experience! Following the instructions on their screen, they had to tap on the cupcake area, in order for them to flip an AR coin and try their luck, by activating the algorithm that reveals the winners of the lottery.
The lucky ones got a message of success, congratulating them and letting them know that they have won one of the presents, whereas the not so lucky ones got a “404 coin not found” message.
An engaging and fun experience for everyone, whether they won or not, the AR-empowered ATCOM New Year’s Lottery was embraced by ATCOMistas, who generated significant social media buzz – and had a really great time!